HELP ME RAISE $600 for a PS4

Hey all,

Gaming has allowed me to meet an amazing group of friends. Whether it is my Australian friends from Kotaku or the other friends from other parts of the world I’ve met playing online games. I’d like to continue that journey with my friends on current generation consoles. I’m still on PS3 which is a good console but it is hard to keep up with the zeitgeist and even just keep in touch with my friends who have moved on to PS4.

One of the games I’ve recently fell in love with is Destiny. It is a current online game which thankfully released on PS3 and allowed me to stay current and part of the zeitgeist even on a last-gen console. Unfortunately, the game’s journey on PS3 is coming to an end this September so my plans of saving for a console have been accelerated slightly. Ideally I’d wait to get a job and slowly save for a PS4 but Destiny is a game best played early and with the community, discovering things together early on and just experiencing the ups and downs of an online game in real-time.

Unfortunately getting a job has been hard and I’m still unemployed so getting a new console at the moment is not possible. That’s why I need your help. Many of you have offered on Twitter to help me get a console so I thought given the situation I’d take you guys up on that offer.

So why A$600?

The best price I’ve found for a 1TB console here is 41,000 Kenyan Shillings which is around A$520 at the current exchange rate. The extra $80 would account for any fluctuations in the exchange rate, Paypal fees and maybe allow me to buy a budget game with my console. I’m also choosing the 1TB model because physical games are expensive so I’d mostly be buying digital games when they are on sale.

If we are lucky and there is any extra money raised above the goal it will be used for future games and maybe any accessories I’d need (Playstation plus subscription, spare controllers, headsets etc) Also I’d be crazy if I didn’t buy The Last Guardian (IT’S A THING. WOO)

Thank you everyone.


Paypal is the easiest and most secure method, I think, so if you’d like to help use my email


I was hoping Sony would announce something at E3 but unfortunately nothing was shown. It would make sense to buy the newer version of the PS4 but the Neo would be more expensive and at the moment most PS4 games will work fine on the older version. I’m not planning to buy a console immediately so I will probably be waiting until at least August for the Gamescom conference to see if Sony talk about the Neo then.


The email again is

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